Devilman Movie Review

How will Decker get back home? What's with the space warp? Wait a minute, this is a movie review show! On that note, let's ring science fiction movie in the new (blog post) year (so to speak) with Devilman! The film adaptation of the Go Nagai manga, Devilman was... not... well received. But why is that?Source: Devilman Movie Review (blog) - Decke

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Halloween Movie Review

The "original slasher movie" Halloween was made for the low low price of just $300,000 way back in 1978. It introduced the world to Michael Myers, and gave a movie series that (blog post) has continued to this day. You know, if you (blog) wave away the fact (blog) that the 2018 movie is going to ignore the events of almost the entire franchise..

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Horror Picture Roast

The Grand Budapest Hotel (2014) - This whimsical and breathtaking film from Wes Anderson is a delight for viewers to experience. The movie is full of comical characters as well as (blog post) absurd scenarios. Ralph Fiennes gives a standout performance as the quirky concierge at the hotel, Gustave H.

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Review for Hatchet 3 (Decker Shado video)

Hatchet 3 is the horror film of 2013 in the Hatchet series. It tells the story of Victor Crowley, his murderous rampage through Louisiana's Honey Island Swamp. Kane Hodder plays Victor Crowley, Brian Quinn portrays Deputy Winslow, Rileah vanderbilt portrays Misty. The strengths of the film lie in the practical effects. Hatchet 3 uses a major

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Monster Island (2019)

Monster Island is the official name of The Asylum’s 2019 mockbuster. This was released just in time for Godzilla: King of the Monsters. Monster Island refers to an island (also known as Monster Island) where a monster is found. This monster is also part of the Monster Island. Because it is a film about asylums, the budget for this film i

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